
Woolworths Liquor


Vaughan Constructions has completed an impressive distribution centre for Woolworths Liquor that reflects the high quality standards which Woolworths consider to be critical to any project.

The project included a tight 13-month program which detailed construction and fit out requirements.  

The  facility features 6,000m2 temperature and humidity controlled wine cellaring, 1,500m2 temperature controlled confectionary storage; 600m2 of secured aerosol containment, 2,000m2 of administration and staff support amenities, and an additional 2,800m2 of high security segregation.


After seven weeks of inclement weather, Vaughan skilfully mitigated delays through the acceleration of construction to meet the original delivery deadline.

Similarly, significant civil works, including a creek realignment and elevation of the building pads to clear the 1 in 500 year flood level, were overcome without affecting the budget or delivery program.

Warehouse 70,000m2
Offices  2,000m2
TOTAL  72,000m2
Canopy 6,150m
Pavements 62,924m2



Facility Space


