
Langdon Ingredients


Vaughan Constructions and Langdon have partnered on multiple projects accross Victoria and New South Wales.

The seventh project for the ingredients supplier was most recently delivered which extends the Group’s Derrimut facility providing additional warehouse storage and workshop space. 

The stunning office has a large aerofoil roof over two story high campus style office space. An internal courtyard invites an abundance of natural light to all areas of the office and laboratory areas.

The warehouse was maximised for storage capacity with an ESFR sprinkler system and internal column layout to suit racking configuration. 


Stage 1 required Vaughan to master plan and construct Langdon’s head office, manufacturing and warehouse facilities.

Stage 2 to 7 has consisted of various expansionary and upgrade works to accomodate Langdon’s growing business. 

The Projects:

Stage 1 7,600m²
Stage 2 1,300m²
Stage 3 3,200m²
Stage 4 850m²
Stage 5 4,500m²
Stage 6 1,300m²
Stage 7  2,500m²



Vaughan has remained the essential ingredient in all seven projects because of their track record in handing over projects on time and the superiority of their build.

- Chris Langdon | Managing Director

Langdon Ingredients

Facility Space


