
Asciano Linfox


Vaughan Constructions was approached by Asciano following difficulties in delivering the asset due to budget constraints. Vaughan provided Asciano with essential Value Management options to ensure a quality build within budget for both Landlord and Tenant.
Located in Kewdale, the 82,000m2 facility includes an impressive 26,000m2 warehouse for Linfox’s Fast Moving Consumer Goods, 2,800m2 secure tobacco warehouse, a cool room with ambient and refrigeration temperature control, office space and a guardhouse.  

This site also has a container yard capable of holding up to 800 sea containers which has direct private access to Perth Freight Rail Terminal.


High importance was placed on sustainable design, with such features including solar powered hot water, a rain water harvesting tank and above average landscaping which minimises storm water run-off. 

An Ecosol Gross Pollutant Trap was installed, this filters and decontaminates all stormwater by capturing and retaining pollutants and coarse sediment before it reaches the ocean.

In addition to the project creating 200 new positions in Western Australia, the completion has allowed for a greater number of materials and products to be transported nationally, facilitating growth for the Australian economy.

Facility Space


